The collision force determines how much resistance the gate will encounter before stopping or reversing. If the setting is too low, the gate might exert excessive force before stopping, which can be dangerous to people, pets, or objects in its path. ...
When you activate the gate motor using a remote or any trigger device, but the gate does not move, consider the following possible causes and solutions: Possible Causes: Still in programming mode Safety LED's are active Latching input Battery ...
When you activate the gate motor via a remote or any trigger device, and the relays energize but the gate does not move, please refer to the possible causes and solutions below: Possible Causes: Faulty motor circuit Faulty motor relay / FET Motor ...
If you encounter the “Drive Fault - Motor Drive Failure” error on your D5 EVO, D10, or D10 Turbo controller, the issue may be caused by: Loose or intermittent connections between the motor and controller A damaged H-bridge on the controller, such as ...
The DOSS is an opto-electronic system that counts pulses to determine the gate’s position and the distance required to reach its respective endstops. Possible Causes of Error: DOSS physically disconnected Poor connection on the DOSS or controller ...
Please find attached the installation manual for the D20 SMART, which includes the following sections: Introduction Specifications Product identification Required tools and equipment New site installation preparation Lubrication Operator installation ...