Please find attached the installation manual for the Polophone intercom, which includes the following sections: System overview and operation Specifications System components Power and wiring Installation Wiring diagram Settings and configuration ...
If you encounter the “Drive Fault - Motor Drive Failure” error on your D5 EVO, D10, or D10 Turbo controller, the issue may be caused by: Loose or intermittent connections between the motor and controller A damaged H-bridge on the controller, such as ...
Please find attached the installation manual for the D20 SMART, which includes the following sections: Introduction Specifications Product identification Required tools and equipment New site installation preparation Lubrication Operator installation ...
If you are the primary user of a specific Ultra device and would like to add a secondary user to view or adjust settings on the device using their own G-Web account, please follow the steps below: Prerequisite Check: Ensure the user being added as a ...