The steps below will guide you on how to update the slave controllers from the master tag, allowing the tags to work on both the master reader and the slave readers wired into the system. Open the advance menu option that will allow you to get to the ...
If the master tag required for configuring settings has been lost, a factory reset will be necessary to program a new master tag. Kindly follow the steps below to successfully perform a factory reset: Remove all power from the Master reader. With a ...
The delete functionality in the basic menu structure is a Sub-set of that founding the advised menu. It allows only for deletion of a tag by ID or bulk erase of all tags from all readers. The processes is descripted below using the Basic delete menu ...
The Basic learn feature enables new tags to be entered into the system. The Basic Learn process is descripted below with reference to the Basic learn menu structure diagram:
The quick learn feature enables new tags to be entered very quickly into the system. How to Navigate the Menu: The flow diagram below shows the quick learn procedure and described fully below:
If you encounter the “Drive Fault - Motor Drive Failure” error on your D5 EVO, D10, or D10 Turbo controller, the issue may be caused by: Loose or intermittent connections between the motor and controller A damaged H-bridge on the controller, such as ...
The DOSS is an opto-electronic system that counts pulses to determine the gate’s position and the distance required to reach its respective endstops. Possible Causes of Error: DOSS physically disconnected Poor connection on the DOSS or controller ...
Please find attached the installation manual for the D20 SMART, which includes the following sections: Introduction Specifications Product identification Required tools and equipment New site installation preparation Lubrication Operator installation ...