Waiting for Co-Processor / Wait 1 minute or Reset All Power (D-Series)

Waiting for Co-Processor / Wait 1 minute or Reset All Power (D-Series)

Possible causes:
• Poor connection between battery and controller
• The battery voltage is low
• The battery is faulty or disconnected
• Faulty controller

• Ensure that the battery terminals are properly connected on both the controller and battery side
• Measure the battery voltage – it should be no lower than 11V DC for the D5-Evo or 22V DC for the D10/D10 Turbo when placed under load.

Underload testing:

       -       Disconnect the charger from the battery

            -        Remove the DC motor leads from the DC controller

-      -    Apply the DC motor leads directly to the battery, while measuring the battery voltage

  -       It should not be less than 11V DC under load

• Check for corrosive build-up around the battery terminals. If there is corrosion, replace both the battery and terminals
• Replace the battery
• Ensure that the ‘Mains Present’ icon is solid
• Measure the charger’s output voltage. It should be about 14V for the D5-Evo/D5 Evo Low-Voltage and 27V for the D10/D10 Turbo
• Replace faulty controller