Transitioning from G-Remote to MyCentsys Remote

Transitioning from G-Remote to MyCentsys Remote

Since the G-Remote app is no longer being supported, all it's users will have to migrate to the MyCentsys Remote App . This will allow you to continue enjoying seamless access and control over your devices. Follow the below simple steps to ensure a smooth transition:

  1. Check Your Linked Devices on G-Remote: Before making the switch, access the G-Remote app and review all the devices currently linked to your account.

  2. Download MyCentsysRemote App: Head to your device's respective app store - PlayStore for Android or the App Store for iOS - and download the MyCentsysRemote App. The following link will help you out with downloading the app

  3. Register and Log In: Once the app is downloaded, proceed with the registration process. Create your account and log in to the MyCentsysRemote App.

  4. View Your Devices: Upon successful registration, navigate to your home screen within the app. Here, you should be able to view all your linked devices.

  5. Troubleshooting Missing Devices:

    1. If devices previously available on G-Remote are not appearing, access the app's settings by clicking on the hamburger menu.

    2. Select "Ultra Settings" and then click on the "Refresh Permissions" icon.

    3. After refreshing permissions, your devices should now be visible on the home screen.

  6. Check GWEB Access Numbers: If you're still unable to view any device, ensure that your phone number is added to access numbers on GWEB.

  7. Stay on the Home Screen: Finally, ensure that you are on the home screen menu of the MyCentsysRemote App to access all your devices seamlessly.

By following these steps, you can smoothly transition from the G-Remote app to the MyCentsysRemote App, ensuring uninterrupted access and control over your devices. If you encounter any issues during the transition process, feel free to reach out to our support team for assistance.
Please see above steps illustrated in the video below: