Network Modes and Firmware Solutions for G-Ultra 4GS and G-Speak Ultra 4GS GSM Devices

Network Modes and Firmware Solutions for G-Ultra 4GS and G-Speak Ultra 4GS GSM Devices


When choosing the right network coverage for your G-Ultra 4GS and G-Speak Ultra GSM devices, your decision should primarily rely on the coverage provided by the network provider services in your specific area. To find out the current coverage and services offered by the providers, we recommend referring to the coverage maps, which can be accessed through the following links:

If your provider isn't listed above, visit their official website and look for the coverage map section to assess network availability in your area.

Addressing Network Mode Coverage Challenges

If you encounter network coverage challenges in your area, rest assured that we have tailored firmware solutions to address your specific coverage needs and enhance your connectivity experience. Our firmware options include:

·         2G-Only Mode: To operate solely on the 2G band

·         4G-Only Mode: To operate solely on the 4G band

·         Auto Selection Mode: To enable automatic switching between 2G and 4G bands

If you own a G-Ultra 4GS or G-Speak Ultra 4GS device and wish to upgrade its firmware to enable specific network modes due to limit network coverage available in your area, it's essential to ensure your device is running on the latest firmware version. We will guide you through the process of updating your device's firmware and how to switch between different operational modes.

Checking Your Device's Firmware Version

Before you consider changing operational modes, it's crucial to verify your device's firmware version.  This quick check helps you understand if your device needs an update .  To find the most recent firmware versions for your G-Ultra 4GS and G-Speak Ultra 4GS devices, just click on this link: You'll find all the latest firmware information right there.

You can now compare your device's current firmware version with the latest one mentioned in the link. This is super easy to do in the "Device Information" section on G-web:

If it turns out that your device isn't running the latest firmware version, don't worry. You can update it effortlessly through the G-web portal. Here's how:

Please click on the "Update Firmware" button option, which you can locate on the device information page on G-web:

Upon clicking on the update firmware button, your device will initiate the firmware update process. Please be patient and wait for the update to complete.

Switching Operational Modes

Once your device is running on the latest firmware version, you can make use of the build in SMS commands on G-web or an SMS via phone to switch to the suitable network modes. There are two methods for updating: using the G-web platform or via SMS commands.

Using the G-web Platform:

If you have access to the device on G-web, you can take advantage of the built-in SMS commands that is available on G-web as follows:

-Access your device on the G-web platform.

-Navigate to the "SMS" option situated under the status settings:

-Select and click the desired network mode that needs to be used.

Upon sending the command, your device will initiate the firmware update process. Please be patient and wait for the update to complete.

 Using SMS Commands from a Cellular Phone:

2G-Only Mode: To operate solely on the 2G band, use the following SMS command:


4G-Only Mode: To operate solely on the 4G band, use the following SMS command:


Auto Selection Mode: To enable automatic switching between 2G and 4G bands, use the following SMS command:


Kindly note that the device is already on Auto Selection Mode by default.

To execute one of these firmware update or mode commands via an SMS, simply type the command and paste it into the message section of the SMS. Ensure that you enter the correct device number as the recipient for the SMS and replacing "xxxx" in the command with your device's unique password found on the device information page on G-web or on a sticker located on the back of the main GSM device.

Upon sending the command, your device will initiate the firmware update process. Please be patient and wait for the update to complete.

For more information on choosing the Right Network for Your G-Ultra 4GS and G-Speak Ultra 4GS GSM Device, kindly visit the link below:                                   

You can easily update your device's firmware and configure its network mode for optimal performance and connectivity, regardless of your location or the available network technology. Stay connected with ease.