Max Collisions (D-Series)

Max Collisions (D-Series)

Possible causes:
• The operator is encountering an obstruction and has reached the pre-set number of allowable collisions
• Gate rack resting on pinion
• Seized gate wheels
• The controller collision force is set too sensitively
• Number of allowable collisions set to a low value, e.g. 1
• Damaged encoder wheel
• Tight gearbox

• Faulty DOSS harness
• Loose drive connections
• Gearbox not fully engaged
• Faulty DOSS sensor
• Faulty electric motor

• Ensure that the gate is running smoothly and that there is nothing physically obstructing the gate, e.g. dirt or stones on the rail, rack pressing down on pinion, bad rack joints, etc.
• There should be a 2 - 3mm gap between the rack and the pinion
• Increase the Collision Force (Menu 2: Safety)
• Increase maximum collisions value to a higher number, typically 4
• Check battery and motor terminal connections
• Ensure that operator is fully engaged
• Replace faulty DOSS sensor
• Replace faulty electric motor
• Have the operator serviced by an authorised workshop
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