Max Collisions (Sector)

Max Collisions (Sector)

Possible Causes
• The operator is encountering an obstruction and has
reached the pre-set number of allowable collisions
• The controller collision force is set too sensitively
• Number of allowable collisions set to a low value, e.g. 1
• Faulty DOSS harness
• Incorrect spring tension
• Incorrect combination of spring gearbox, and pole
• Loose drive connections
• Faulty DOSS
• Faulty or disconnected electric motor

• Ensure that nothing is physically hindering the trajectory of
the boom
• Increase the Collision Force (Menu 2: Safety)
• Increase maximum collisions value to a higher number,
typically 4
• Replace faulty DOSS harness
• Ensure the correct spring and gearbox is used for the
current pole length in use
• Check battery and motor terminal connections
• Replace faulty DOSS
• Ensure that the blue and black motor wires are connected
to the controller. If they are and the barrier still won’t
operate, it might be necessary to replace the electric
motor. Refer to the MOTOR information screen  to determine whether the motor
is read by the controller

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