Possible causes:
• The Beam Test feature has been inadvertently activated
• The safety PE beam transmitter has been wired to normal common – as opposed to safe common – with the Beam Test enabled
• The incorrect operating profile for the region has been selected. The UL325 and CE profiles will always perform a beam test before allowing the gate to run
• PE beams not aligned
• Damaged SAF COM input
• Incorrect PE beam wiring
• Faulty closing/opening PE beams
• Ensure that the PE beams are correctly wired and that the connections are secure.
• If not required, Disable the Beam Test feature under Menu 6: IR Beams
• Connect the transmitter negative to Safety Com
• Ensure that you select the correct profile for the region the operator is being installed in, e.g. ZA (Menu 10: General Settings)
• Check PE beam alignment
• Perform a Factory Reset operation, bridge Safety Open to Com or refit the PE beams if they have been disconnected
• Replace the PE beams
• Replace faulty controller