How to wire a SMART Siren to a SDO4 Smart Garage Operator - Wiring Diagram

Wiring a smart siren to a SDO4 Smart garage operator can significantly enhance the security and functionality of your property, providing peace of mind and improving safety measure.

Kindly find the wiring diagram below:

Settings and Configuration:
Tamper Alarm Settings:
- Connect to your garage operator via the MyCentsys Pro app.
- Tap the round button at the bottom of the screen and navigate to the Settings potion.
- From the dropdown list, navigate through the options and select Alarms.
- Enable the toggle switch to an on position under the tamper alarm.
- By default, IO2 is pre-selected, as only IO2 can be used for the Smart Alarm.

With these simple steps, your Smart alarms are now configured for optimal security.