How to Factory Reset an G-Ultra / G-Ultra Speak

If the previous device owner cannot be reached, a Factory Reset needs to be done on the unit. This will remove all profile settings and access numbers from the unit and dissociate the unit from the current G-WEB profile it is linked to. Access to the physical device is required to do this.

Step 1:
Press on the right arrow button to navigate:

Step 2.
Navigate to the “Device Reset” screen and press the round center button:

Step 3.
Navigate to the “Factory Reset” Screen. Press the round center button:

Step 4.
Navigate to the yes tick if you wish to processed and press the round center button to accept:

Step 5.
An icon displaying files entering a trash can will then appear to indicate that a factory reset is being performed on the unit:

Step 6.
After the reset was done the device will Synchronize again.

Once the device completes the synchronization process, the device must be added to a GWEB profile for programming.
Kindly follow the link below that carries the steps on how to add a new device to your GWEB account on the GWEB Ultra APP: