How to troubleshoot a E7 Error on your SDO4 Garage Operator

How to troubleshoot a E7 Error on your SDO4 Garage Operator

If you are encountering an E7 error on your standard SDO4, it typically indicates that the operator is not receiving enough power. Here are the common issues and steps to troubleshoot this error:
This error may be due to one of the following issues:

-Batteries Disconnected
-Low Battery Voltage
-Transformer (Power Supply) Disconnected
-Faulty Transformer 
Kindly ensure the following to possible get to the root of the error message:

Check Battery Connections:
-Ensure that the batteries are securely connected to the battery leads.

Measure Battery Voltage:
-Disconnect the mains power and measure the battery voltage. The reading should be between 26VDC and 27VDC.

Verify Power Supply:
-Confirm that you are receiving 220VAC input into the power supply. Then, measure the output of the power supply without the batteries connected. The reading should be between 26VDC and 27VDC.
Kindly note that the SDO4 relies on both the power supply and batteries and therefore cannot operate on the power supply alone.